Île de Nantes

3:47 PM

Today was one of those days where you'd be considered crazy if you stayed inside.

It must have been around 15 degrees celsius with sunny blue skies and not a cloud in sight. All that was required was a light coat (to keep toasty because it's still freezing in the shade). Inspired, I grabbed my camera bag, cleared my memory card, and played tourist for the day.

I went to Île de Nantes, an island in the central part of the city stuffed with modern apartment buildings, housing units, harbours, and empty warehouses. It's one of the top tourist attractions in the city thanks to les machines de l'îsle, like this guy:

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3 commentaires

  1. I thought i'd bring Nantes to you! We didn't get to see everything :)

    1. Yea, I wish I had more time, but you never know what the future hold! Keep on writing.

